It was 30 seconds long, so more than 15 minutes long. And what did he do with it? He broke the law.
He tweeted it out to his followers, including the men’s basketball team and the basketball team. The tweets have since been deleted and the basketball team deleted his Twitter account.
Rep. Henry Wingo
You can’t make this stuff up.
I don’t know what to say here.
The Congressman doesn’t have an actual law to break. This is all sort of weird.
Here is the video:
Stick to the law.The use of metal-organic frameworks in organic chemistry.
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a growing family of porous coordination polymers which comprise of metal-organic moieties connected by a range of coordination interactions. The strength of these supramolecular interactions can be tuned through the rational design of building blocks, as well as through the inclusion of additional functional groups in the linker components. MOFs provide a powerful tool for the preparation of complex solid-state materials, and this review focusses on the potential of MOFs for incorporation into organic applications. We highlight the use of MOFs for controlled delivery, separation, catalysis and nanochemistry, and present a variety of synthetic methods by which they can be incorporated into a range of materials.Q:
how to add a tab item in the custom tabpage
How to add a tab item in the custom tabpage using.NET Framework?
I am creating the custom tab page and want to add one or two tab item into the custom tab page.
I tried as follows:
private void CreateTabPage()
tabControl1.TabPages[tabPage1.ID].Text = "FirstTabPage";
tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabPage1;
tabPage1.Height = tabControl1.Size.Height;
tabPage1.Size = tabControl1.Size;
tabPage1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
But i am unable to set the text in the custom tab page.
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